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 Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne

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The Hitman Kirby
Kofi Kingston | Xtr'
PureBeauty ♥
Matt Sydal
8 participants
Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal

Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:14

Format de Présentation

What a Face Vous What a Face

Pseudo\Nom :Plein =) Mystic Alex , Alex , MasterMind
Age : entre 1 et 22
Lieu :En Vendée
Expérience en RP : Bonne
Comment avez-vous connu la KoS :par son createur , du moins je crois =)
Remarques diverses : Matt Sydal est le nom de Evan Bourne =)
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PureBeauty ♥

PureBeauty ♥

Messages : 42
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:15

Smile Bienvenu Alex constante de t'avoir avec nous.
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Kofi Kingston | Xtr'
Kofi Kingston | Xtr'

Messages : 56
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:16

Welca, welcu, welcome. Very Happy
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The Hitman Kirby
The Hitman Kirby

Messages : 145
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:17

You are Mystic Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  1929873797
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Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal

Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:18

Merci a tous Very Happy
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Slaty'Gab Ø

Slaty'Gab Ø

Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:42

Welcome Mister !
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Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal

Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 17:58

Merci Smile
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Wendy ⨯

Wendy ⨯

Messages : 47
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : Avec A7X & Slipknot ♥

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 18:38

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Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal

Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 18:39

Merci Smile
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Cm Punk▬ Dawgs™
Cm Punk▬ Dawgs™

Messages : 126
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeSam 17 Sep - 19:45

Mystic Alex Enchanté.
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Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho

Messages : 21
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2011

Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitimeDim 18 Sep - 12:28

Bienvenue Alex qui peut avoir 2 comme 20 ans What a Face
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Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne    Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne  Icon_minitime

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Its a Bird ... Its a Plane ... No! IT'S Air Bourne
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